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Here's a bunch of publishable projects I worked on, during my spare time. Some of them are more useful than others. Enjoy.

משכנות גבעת זאב

משכנות גבעת זאב

I've been spending some time working on the neighborhood's website, called משכנות גבעת זאב. The whole Hebrew right-to-left challange is kinda fun!
Orbvious Interest

Orbvious Interest

Orbvious Interest is a Read It Later extension for Google Chrome. This was something I felt was missing as soon as I started using Chrome instead of Firefox at work. Read It Later has always allowed me to continue my work-flow, uninterrupted by a shiny new website. Later, when I am home, I can read the stuff I marked at leisure.
Windows Mobile TimeZone Editor

Windows Mobile TimeZone Editor

Israel changes the dates of the Daylight Savings Time every few years, so I always have a few weeks during which I can't synchronize my phone's clock. I decided enough it enough, and wrote this little application to edit the Window Mobile's timezone information, and in particular the Daylight Savings Time. You can download the program or the source files.


Soundcard-switching utility, by placing an icon in the Windows system tray.
Icecap Ether Milk

Icecap Ether Milk

Mail checker for IMAP. Resides in your system tray, and notifies your of unread mail in the folders you choose from.
Arduino Projects

Arduino Projects

As I've been learning to use the Arduino, it has forced me to learn how to do the most basic of electronic skills. In order to prove to myself that I learned each of those skill, I've made projects that make use of those skills.
BattleStations Helper

BattleStations Helper

Simple Greasemonkey script to auto-focus for you on the next thing you want to click on when Exploring in Battle Stations. Available for download from its homepage on


Monitor computers on your network, to make sure they are up. I had written it in the army, to let me know when a server had gone down.
Zip-file Sorter

Zip-file Sorter

Move & Copy zip files according to the contents of their archive.
Auto-Rename Script

Auto-Rename Script

Easily, automatically, and consistently rename Anime and TV episodes to standardized names if your choice. Very configurable (meaning you won't be able to use it until you understand it.)
Widlanski Resuloution Changer

Widlanski Resuloution Changer

Command-line resolution changes that I wrote, to enable using the Hotkey feature of the Windows shell, to change resolutions esily.


Translation of applications into Hebrew: Pidgin (formerly Gaim), poedit, NetVampire.
BPS Monitor Suite

BPS Monitor Suite

Monitor the speed of the send/receive of your WAN (e.g. Internet) networking interface, and display it as a file in the machine, or a Windows system tray icon on the computers in your LAN.

All these projects are copyright of Shalom Craimer. Some might be under various open licences, but that doesn't change the basic ownership. By downloading these softwares, you agree Shalom Craimer will not be held responsible for any damages you might incur (directly and indirectly) due to use of these softwares.

On the other hand, I'd love to head from you, if you have any ideas, suggestions or simply advice.

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