Setting up a ruby on rails project, after you already have a working vhost in apache that runs ruby on rails:
1. Create the rails application dir:
$ rails /path/to/myapp
2. Add a vhost into apache, by addding into httpd.conf:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/path/to/myapp/public"
# the following added for Ruby on Rails
SetEnv RAILS_ENV development
<Directory /path/to/myapp/public>
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AllowOverride all
Allow from all
Order allow,deny
3. Fix permissions so that apache can write into tmp dir, for instance by doing:
$ chmod 777 /path/to/myapp/tmp -R
$ chmod gu+s /path/to/myapp/tmp
4. Create 3 databases: myappdb_test, myappdb_production, myappdb_development
(the production one will be used when the app in set to production. In step 2 we actually set it to development. the test db is used by rake for testing)
5. Edit /path/to/myapp/conf/database.yml to specify the above 3 databases for the 3 modes: development, test, production. And also specify the user, password & etc. required to use the DB server.
6. Create tables in the development DB (if you're using postgresql, create the same tables in all 3 DBs). These tables are the models stored in the DB. For instance:
mysql> use myappdb_production;
mysql> create table people (
-> id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment,
-> name varchar(50) not null default '',
-> street1 varchar(70) not null default '',
-> street2 varchar(70) not null default '',
-> city varchar(70) not null default '',
-> state char(2) not null default '',
-> zip varchar(10) not null default '',
-> primary key (id),
-> key name (name)
-> ) type=MyISAM auto_increment=2;
mysql> insert into people values (1, 'Superman',
-> '123 Somewhere', '', 'Smallville', 'KS',
-> '123456');
7. Create an MVC. For instance:
$ ./script/generate controller Friends list view new edit
$ ./script/generate model Person
8. Test it all:
$ rake
after generating a model, you can look in ./db/migrate/001_create_modelname.rb, and modify self.up to define how the table is created, and run rake db:migrate.
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