How do I setup my Wireless Netowrk USB adapter?
The following steps are what I did to set up my wireless USB Airlink+ adapter.
There's nothing specific to that model, other than the use of the atmel driver,
and you're be suprised at how many adapters make use of their chipset.
- First of all, many systems will crash when the driver loads if usb-uhci is used.
So I'd recommend switching to uhci.o.
- Edit /etc/modules.conf and replace the line
alias usb-controller usb-uhci
alias usb-controller uhci
- Either reboot, or unload the usb-uhci and then load uhci.
- Untar the atmel driver
tar -xjvf <atmel_driver>
(You can get the driver from
- make config
answer N to all except: "build USB" and all "do you want to build RFMD" questions.
- make all
- make install
- modprobe usbvnetr
- read /var/log/dmesg to verify install (see MAC address is good)
also: use iwconfig to check existense
- connect to access point: [assuming the interface is called eth2, and the ESSID of the access point is NETGEAR]
iwconfig eth2 mode Managed
iwconfig eth2 essid NETGEAR
- Use iwconfig - if you see the access point's MAC (e.g. the MAC address of the wireless router), you're connected.
- Set the IP address of the interface:
ifconfig eth2 up
- Check it using ping, and the rest of the network testing tools.
Last updated on 2004-02-10 14:00:00 -0800, by Shalom Craimer
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