What are the default set of fonts used by browsers for the CSS generic Font Family types?
- sans-serif
- Arial
- Geneva
- Helvetica
- Lucida Sans
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- serif
- Garamond
- Georgia
- New York
- Times
- Times New Roman
- monospace
- Courier
- Courier New
- Lucida Console
- Monaco
- fantasy
- Copperplate
- Desdemona
- Impact
- Kino
- cursive
- Comic Sans MS
- Lucida Handwriting
- Zapf Chancery
When using the font-famly CSS attribute, it's recommended to have one of these
generic family names as a fallback. (Just add the closest matching font family
to the end of the font-family font list.)
Last updated on 2005-07-26 14:00:00 -0700, by Shalom Craimer
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