Windows 2000 Pro
Disclaimer: The tips and instructions contained in
this document may or may not work on your PC and/or Windows 2000. I take no
responsibility in system or software problems due to applying any of the
information contained in this document.
Last Updated 10-12-2001
The following is a table depicting the range of
megabytes per cluster size.
The table can be used to create FAT partition
sizes that will utilize space efficiently.
1 megabyte = 1,048,576 bytes
Megabytes |
File System |
Cluster Size |
0 - 255 |
FAT16 |
4K |
256 - 511 |
FAT16 |
8k |
512 - 1023 |
FAT16 |
16k |
1024 - 2047 |
FAT16 |
32k |
Any hard drive larger than 2047 megabytes, would need
to be partitioned since the maximum partition size cannot exceed 2047 megabytes.
What is the total amount of space used by a folder
(including sub folders)? You can use Windows Explorer or command line.
Using Explorer:
- Start Explorer (Win key + E or Start - Programs - Explorer).
- Right click on the required folder and select properties.
- Under the General tab a size will be displayed and this is
the total size of the folder and all sub-folders and their contents.
From the command line, just use the dir command with
/s qualifier which also lists all sub-directories. For example, dir/s
C:\WINNT will list all the files and folders in the WINNT directory. It will
also show the total size at the end of the list.
Convert a FAT partition/drive to NTFS. Open a
Command Prompt window and type convert /fs:ntfs. This is a one way
conversion. Your partition will be converted on the next reboot.
Convert an NTFS partition to FAT.
There are two ways to do this. The first would be to backup your NTFS partition
and if it's greater than 2 gig, slice it up into 2 gig maximum partitions then
format each to FAT. The second way would be to use Partiiton Magic version 5.0
or greater but beware
if your NTFS partition is greater than 2 gig, you will have to slice it up into
2 gig partitions and convert each partition separately via Partition
Deleting an NTFS partition. Most of the time
an NTFS partition can be deleted using FDISK and then delete the non-DOS
partition. This will not work if the NTFS partition is in the extended
partition. The only way to do this is use a utility called DELPART to delete it. You can
delete an NTFS partition using Disk Administrator, by selecting the partition
and pressing DEL (assuming it is not the system/boot partition).
Reading an NTFS partition from DOS or Windows
98. You can use a utility called NTFSDOS. This utility lets you
READ an NTFS partition or drive but not WRITE.
Resizing an NTFS partition. Windows 2000 will
not allow you to resize FAT or NTFS partitions. You have to use a 3rd party
utility from PowerQuest
called Partition Magic version 5.0 or greater.
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Windows Start-up options in boot.ini: Windows 2000
has several options you can use when starting your Computer:
[boot loader] section
- timeout=n - n=0 disables the automatic bootup; n=-1 starting
without any delay; n>0 time in seconds system will wait (default n=30)
- default=..... - the default bootup command
[operating systems] section
- /basevideo Starts NT in VGA-Mode
- /crashdebug In case of fatal error NT activates external
- /debug activates external debugger (default setting)
- /nodebug disables external debugger
- /sos Shows instead of point the drivers, which are actual
- /win98dos Starts DOS (looks like "C:\BOOTSEC.DOS="MS-DOS"
- /win98 Starts Win98 (looks like "C:\BOOTSEC.W40="Win98"
Make an 2000 boot disk. Here's how:
- Format a floppy diskette from Windows 2000. Open My Computer
right click the floppy drive and select format.
- Add these files to the formated floppy: BOOT.INI,
If you only have Windows 2000 installed, you don't
need the BOOTSECT.DOS file.
The floppy has to be formated in Windows
2000 to be a bootable diskette.
Create a multiple boot setup on your system.
Have you ever wanted to boot Windows98, Windows 2000, DOS and maybe Linux from
the NTLDR? There are a few utilities that will let you do that. One is Boot Partition. This freeware utility easily lets you setup a multiple boot system. The
readme gives very easy instructions on how to use the utility.
Want to delete Windows 2000 from your system?
Here's how (only if your system is using the FAT or FAT32 file systems):
- Have a DOS 6.x boot disk or Windows 98 startup disk handy.
Reboot your system using either of these boot disks.
- From the A: prompt type sys c:. This will put the DOS or
Windows 98 system files back on the C: drive so your system will boot to DOS
or Windows 98.
- Next, type C: to get to the C: prompt and type attrib -s -r
-h (filename) to the following files:
NTBOOTDD.SYS (may not be present)
PAGEFILE.SYS (this file may not be on the C: drive if Windows 2000 was
installed on a different partition)
- Now delete the above files and reboot your system.
- You've just successfully deleted Windows 2000 off your
system and returned it to DOS 6.x or Windows 98.
Windows 2000 and Windows 98 can reside on the same
computer. If you are currently booting between Windows 2000 and MS-DOS 6.2x,
the following method is recommended before you install Windows 98:
- If you do not have an Emergency Repair Disk for your Windows
2000 installation, create one by opening the Windows 2000 Backup utility,
Welcome Tab and click the "Emergency Repair Disk" button (NT4 would be the
RDISK utility (RDISK.EXE) in the %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32 directory).
- Shut down Windows 2000 and restart your computer. Select
MS-DOS from the boot loader menu.
- Install Windows 98. Make sure you install Windows 98 to a
separate directory and not the Windows 2000 %SystemRoot% directory.
- After you successfully install Windows 98 and restart the
computer, the Windows 2000 Flex Boot Loader screen appears, allowing you to
choose between MS-DOS and Windows NT. If you choose MS-DOS, Windows 98 starts.
You may change the MS-DOS entry of the Boot Loader menu to Windows 95 by
modifying the Windows NT BOOT.INI file.
If the Windows 2000 Flex Boot Loader does not appear
at the end of the procedure above, do the following:
- Insert the Windows 2000 Setup Boot Disk into drive A and
restart your computer.
- Insert Setup Disk 2 when prompted.
- When the Setup options appear, press R for Repair. Four
options appear and all four are selected by default.
- Clear the selection of all options except Inspect Boot
Sector by pressing ENTER to select or clear the options. Be sure that Inspect
Boot Sector is the only option that has an X in front of it.
- Select Continue and press ENTER.
- If you want Setup to detect mass storage devices in your
computer again, press ENTER. If you want to skip the mass storage device
detection, press S.
- Insert Setup Disk 3 when prompted.
- If you have the Emergency Repair Disk, press ENTER, insert
the disk, and press ENTER again. If you do not have the Emergency Repair Disk,
press ESC to allow Setup to locate Windows 2000 and the Repair information.
- Remove the disk from drive A and press ENTER to restart your
computer. The Windows 2000 Flex Boot Loader appears and the dualboot ability
is restored.
If only Windows 2000 resides on your
- If you do not have an Emergency Repair Disk for your Windows
2000 installation, create one by opening the Windows 2000 Backup utility,
Welcome Tab and click the "Emergency Repair Disk" button (NT4 would be the
RDISK utility (RDISK.EXE) in the %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32 directory).
- You will need a boot floppy from DOS or Windows 98
(depending on what you are installing).
- Make sure your CDROM driver and mscdex.exe are on the boot
diskette so your CDROM is accessible. Make sure your config.sys has the CDROM
driver in it and your autoexec.bat file has the mscdex.exe in it. Make sure is on the boot floppy.
- Put the DOS/Windows 98 boot diskette in drive A: and reboot
your computer.
- At the A: prompt, type 'sys C:' (without the quotes). This
will transfer the boot floppy's system files to the boot C: drive so that you
can install DOS or Windows 98 (Windows 98 requires system boots during install
which could cause a reboot loop if the sys C: was not done and the
WIndows 2000 Flex boot loader appears)
- Reboot your machine and begin your install of DOS 6.x or
Windows 98.
- After your install is completed, reboot and go to the
section above labeled "If the Windows 2000 Flex Boot Loader does not appear
at the end of the procedure above, do the following"
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Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
These instructions assume
you already have your LAN configured and working. If not, take a look at this
page for Windows 2000 network configuration information Windows 2000 Network
Verification before
you go any further.
Microsoft Support Articles for
Thanks go to Chris
Schofield for these instructions!!
Setting up ICS on a Windows
2000 machine:
- Open Control Panel/Network and Dial-up
- Right click the dial-up connection and choose
Properties. Fig .1a If you have a
cable modem connection you will not have the 5 tabs in this example, but you
should have the Sharing tab for the NIC you're using . Fig.1aa
- Click the Sharing tab and check the “Enable
Internet Connection Sharing for this connection” checkbox. To allow your
client machine(s) to dial the Windows 2000 machine, click the “Enable
on-demand dialing”. Fig
.2a For a cable modem connection see

Setting up the client
- If you are using DHCP and your Windows 9x or
Windows 2000 machine is getting its IP address from the Windows 2000 machine,
you can skip the remainder of this setup.
- For a Windows 9x machine, add the Windows 2000
machine's IP address into the Default Gateway of the client
machine. Ensure you have the Windows 2000 machine's IP address in the
DNS Search Order List (Control Panel/Network/TCP/IP -> NIC
Adapter/Properties/DNS tab), Host: filled in and
Domain: left blank. If you have to add any of this
information, you will need to reboot your Windows 9x machine.
- For a Windows 2000 machine, add the IP address of
the Windows 2000 Host machine running ICS into the Default
Gateway of the client machine. Ensure you have the Windows 2000 Host
machine's IP address in the Preferred DNS Server (Control
Panel/Network and Dial-up Connections/LAN connection Properties/General tab/
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) entry Properties).
- Your client machine is ready to share the host
machine's Internet connection!
Setting up the client side for www, mail
and news (dial-up users):
- You simply setup your mail and news applications
on the client machine(s) the same way you would if you were dailing up from
that machine. No special configuration is necessary. With the browser make
sure you specify "Never dial a connection" (Internet Explorer).
Setting up the client side www, mail and news
(cable modem users):
- Open a Command Prompt on the Windows 2000 Host
machine and type "ping www" without the quotes. Look for the IP address
that is returned. It should look something like this,
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of
Write down the IP address which
associates to www (
- Repeat the prior step for mail and again for news.
For example "ping mail" and "ping news" without the quotes. Write down the IP
address for both.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Pinging [111.333.333.33] with 32 bytes of data:
- On the client machine, open the HOSTS.SAM
or HOSTS file. Do a FIND for HOST. Edit the HOSTS.SAM or HOSTS file with
Notepad and enter entries for www, mail and news with the IP addresses that
you wrote down from the ping command. The entries should look something like
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client
host localhost www #cable www
server mail #cable mail server
111.333.333.33 news #cable
news server
- Make sure you SAVE THE FILE AS HOSTS. This means
if you're editing a HOSTS.SAM file, you need to save it as HOSTS with no
- Open your client machine's email application, find
the POP and SMTP server definitions and type "mail" without the quotes for
- Open your client machine's news application, find
the NEWS server definition and type "news" without the quotes.
Application Considerations:
For the below instructions, it is
recommended that the client machine(s) have static IP addressing. If you "Obtain
an IP address automatically", you could constantly be changing the IP address in
the Services tab entries on the Windows 2000 ICS Settings. See DHCP addressing -vs- manually assigned IP
addressing at the end of
this Section.
mIRC Instructions to allow a CLIENT machine to DCC
The configuration of the machines used for this
example is as follows:
- Windows 2000 host - IP Address
(As .1 is always assigned by ICS)
- Windows 98 client - IP Address
(static IP address)
- IRC Client application used -- mIRC V5.7
The instructions below are to be applied to the
client machine’s mIRC app.
First things first, reconfigure mirc for the
limited DCC port range to be used.
- Open the mIRC options window
- Go to DCC Options
- Under DCC Ports, type next to
First - 1024 and next to Last - 1027 as in

Ok, mIRC is configured on the client
The instructions below are to be applied to the ICS
entries on the host Windows 2000 machine.
Windows 2000 ICS IdentD
- Go to the dialup connection you wish to use and
select Properties
- Click on the Sharing tab then
click the settings button
- Click the Services tab
- Select Add and enter the details
as shown in Fig .2b remembering to
substitute the client machine's static IP Address to that of your own
- Click OK

Windows 2000 ICS DCC port configuration for
- Go to the dialup connection you wish to use and
select properties
- Click on the Sharing tab then
click the settings button
- Click the Services tab
- Select Add and enter the details
as shown in Fig .3b remembering to
substitute the example client machine's static IP Address to that of your own
client machine
- Repeat the step above for all ports up to
1027 as shown in Fig

Using the steps listed above will allow identd
requests to be forwarded and will also allow a maximum of 4 concurrent DCC
SEND/CHAT combinations.
ICQ (version ICQ2000a) Instructions to allow file
transfers (thanks go to
Bernard Li for the ICQ instructions):
- Go to the dialup connection in Windows 2000 you
wish to use and select Properties
- Click on the Sharing tab then
click the Settings button
- Click the Services tab and
Add a service called ICQ.
- Select Add and enter the details
as shown in Fig .2b remembering to
substitute the Port number that ICQ connects to via
the (check this info from your ICQ
preference, connection, login, etc.) and change the client machine's static IP
Address to that of your own
- Click OK
DHCP Addressing -vs- manual IP assigned
- If the Windows 2000 host machine is setup to do
DHCP and the client machine is setup to "Obtain an IP address automatically"
and the client machine is rebooted, you will need to change each of the DCC
entries (eg. 1024-1027) on the Windows 2000 host machine to reflect the NEW IP
address that was assigned to the client. For example, the network is up and
running with the Windows 2000 host as IP address and the client
machine as IP address The client machine was rebooted forcing
it to receive a new IP address of The old IP address in the
DCC1024- DCC1027 entries would need to be updated to for the
client machine to be able to DCC SEND/CHAT. Rebooting the client machine is
one way DHCP will assign a new IP address. Another way I've experienced is
when I change the IP address in the "Services" tab to reflect the reboot. The
IP address changed again. So, using DHCP when port mapping is NOT
- If the client machine is manually set to a static
IP address, then there would be no reason to change the IP address in the
DCC1024-DCC1027 entries on the Windows 2000 host machine.
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For a nice system uptime utility,
get uptime.exe
from Microsoft.
Need a Windows boot floppy? Download this file (Windows 98 SE
boot floppy create).
Looking for TWEAKUI? You can get v1.33 from Microsoft
or tweakui.
Looking for a GUI ipconfig like Windows 9x's
winipcfg? You can find a GUI download the free version called wntipcfg_setup.exe
Looking for a way to install applications or run
applications with Admin rights?
- Hold down the Shift key as you right-click on the
program's setup file or executable file.
- Click Run as.
- Type in a username and password that have
Administrative permissions.
- This will also work on applications in the Start
Looking for Microsoft FrontPage Express? Microsoft
discontinued including it with Internet Explorer starting with IE5.5 but you can
navigate through this MS support page or click here to download the
setup file.
To schedule your built in defrag, use this handle
utility Below describes how to setup a .bat file and schedule the defrag. There
have been reported problems with this utility but I have never experienced any
problems. Visit this page
- Place the Rundfrg.exe from the into
- Open Notepad and place entries in it for all the
drives you want to defrag (example shown below). I found it best to run a
second pass on the drives to completely defrag them. Save the file as a .bat
rem 1st pass
C:\WINNT\system32\RunDfrg.exe D:
rem 2nd
C:\WINNT\system32\RunDfrg.exe C:
- Create a Scheduled Task in Control Panel /
Scheduled Tasks. Click Add Scheduled Task. Click Next to continue. Click the
Browse button and find the .bat file you created in the prior step and click
Open. Type any name for your Schedule and select the frequency you want to run
the task. Enter the computername\username you want the task to run under (use
the username you logged in as.. eg.. MSHOME\billyk), the password of that user
and confirm the password. Click Next, check the "Open advanced properties for
this task when I click Finish". Click Finish. Replace the "Start In:" with
There is another Windows 2000 defrag call AutoDeFrag. Visit
this page for details
Automatic Logon: If you're the only
person using a given Windows 2000 PC, you can set Windows 2000 to automatically
log you in at boot time. Open Control Panel, then Users and Passwords icon.
Select a user from the list, then uncheck the "Users must enter a user name
and password to use this computer" box.
Move the swap file: Got more than
one Drive in your system? Put your swap file on a drive or partition separate
from your WINNT directory for better performance. Right-click on My Computer,
then select Advanced, Performance Options, and Change. Select the drive you want
your swap file to go on. Type in the Initial and Maximum sizes, click Set.
(Be sure to set the swap file on your system drive as well, although don't
remove it completely unless you want to disable crash logging.)
Use Ctrl+Alt+Del for security: By
default, Windows 2000 lets you log in without having to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to
obtain the login screen. You can change this by opening the Control Panel and
looking in the Users and Password. In the Advanced tab, check "Require users
to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete before logging on."
Turn off the Start button's Personalized
Menus: If you're not fond of Windows 2000 using the Personalized Menu
system in the Start button menus, you can turn it off. Right-click on the
Taskbar, select Properties, and deselect the "Use Personalized Menus" checkbox.
Windows 2000 Mini Web Server: Don't
want to install Windows 2000 Server to do prototype web work? You can install a
stripped-down version of IIS in Windows 2000 Professional. Click on Add/Remove
Programs in Control Panel, select Add/Remove Windows Components. Select Personal
Web Server and click OK.
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