If you get something like:
sysquery: findns error (NXDOMAIN) on spinner.1.168.192.IN-ADDR.ARPA?
That means the admin for 192.168.1.x DNS has screwed up.
So edit 192.168.1. and use:
@ IN NS spinner.craimer.org.
Why? because the . in the end is important. signifies that's the end of the the hostname, and no need to search the domain tables.
If you get something like:
sysquery: findns error (NXDOMAIN) on
That means the admin for craimer.org DNS screwed up.
So edit craimer.org and use:
@ IN NS spinner.craimer.org.
Yes, I know this is a stupid thing to put in the domain database, but that's how it goes. Think about it for a few minutes and you'll understand. (Or you might lose your mind. I've done both.)
(Note: this is all assuming the network is and the domain name is "craimer.org", and its server is "spinner", which is at
Last updated on 2007-05-07 07:52:56 -0700, by Shalom CraimerBack to Tech Journal